Choco Cheeky Dog

No pet has a sweet tooth quite like the Choco Cheeky Dog! This happy puppy can’t get enough of their favorite milk chocolate, so they’re right at home perching on their own Melting Chocolate Chair! And what’s better when lounging than a sweet-as-candy bowl of Chocobones Cereal?

20 Responses to Choco Cheeky Dog

  1. puppypower04 says:

    I love it! I so want to get it for cirstamas I don’t know what to name it? eny sogethions

  2. PeacePuppy2323 says:

    I saw this cheeky dog at a store today. I was not allowed to get it. :(

  3. CookieBitz says:

    I remember sitting in Cracker Barrel, trying to decide between the Lollipop Pup and the Choco Cheeky Dog. I couldn’t decide so I got both! Ha ha, and Choco Cheeky Dog is fun to say for some reason! I love the PSI, the food makes me hungry anytime I look at it, and the pet is such a sweetie! I named mine Fluffs. THANKS GANZ! :D

  4. Tina24 says:

    It looks like a cookie. I like the PSI. The pet? No not really. ★

  5. popy380 says:

    i never liked the cheeky pets and i like pets with fluffier fur but this is just so cute that i might get it anyway!

  6. neogirl99 says:

    I so want the chair!

  7. fuzzerbuzzer5 says:

    really cute

  8. Lilly1 says:

    adorable looking cheeky dog. must find one

  9. Jessie_800 says:

    So CUTE!! So glad Kinzapedia is back!! XD

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