Meet the most pleasant pet around, the wonderful Friendly Dragon! This magical pet loves getting to know new people over treats like their favorite, the Friendly Dragonfruit Soarbet! And when they want to relax, they head to their special calm place – the Friendly Stone Statue!
Friendly Dragon

9 Responses to Friendly Dragon
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dragons aren’t supposed to be friendly exactly. i know this is an eastern dragon and all, but still, at least give it a name like ‘Dusk Sky Dragon’. Still, i have to say, it IS pretty cool. if it wasn’t an e-store pet, i’d get it.
I agree with you on the name, mostly because “friendly” doesn’t really match the dragon’s majesty. I think a name like “Benevolent Dragon” would work better, but that’s me.
yeah, I agree with you :)
In my mind, dragons are very friendly creatures, although this may just be my mind, Webkinz has no unfriendly creatures! ;)
ya, they finally made a FRIENDLY dragon!!
Soarbet is`spelled`sorbet
It’s is soar like a dragon SOARS in the sky..
i want one