Glamorous Gorilla

The Glamorous Gorilla or Glamorilla as far as the tabloids are concerned, is quite the socialite! You’re likely to find this partying primate hanging out in its exclusive VIP Booth while delicately sampling from a wide selection of Glam Hors D’oeuvres.

6 Responses to Glamorous Gorilla

  1. winnifredpratt says:

    my friend adored this one, never could figure out why

  2. Fracktail says:

    I love this one! The heart-shaped navel is really funny, haha.

  3. TweeDL says:

    wish the virtual pet was as cute and pretty as the plush. sigh.

  4. jaybones says:

    22sara that’s a great name! my sister has one her name is glamor

  5. puppypower04 says:

    i put mine in the dryer and her hair got totally RUINED :( her hair feels rough now and not as soft :,-(

  6. 22sarah says:

    I have this pet and I named her Penelope. In the picture they make her look fatter than she really is, but still I think this pet is beautiful.(I even have a little comb that I used to comb out the fur :) )

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