Hopping Bunny

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10 Responses to Hopping Bunny

  1. Monstermaster13 says:

    I’m not sure if other webkinz promo pets besides him and Grumpy Cat were made.

  2. zizzy2004 says:

    AWWWWWW!! I remember this one!

  3. pixarBoy1 says:

    I remember when I saw my sister with a bunny Webkinz she never had before. I asked her where she got it, and She said it’s this promotion for a movie called HOP. And That If you Found an Ad in Webkinz Promoting The Film with a Free Hopping Bunny Pet, Click On It. After You had Clicked on it, you watch a trailer for the movie, after the trailer you get a Couple questions About it that you had to answer. After that, you would get a code that you could use to unlock a special Hopping Bunny Pet. So I Did It And Got One and Named It HOP (Original I Know). It’s a shame That This Might Never Happen again. GANZ If You Are Listening, Can You Do This At Least One More Time? Please?

  4. Fracktail says:

    Sadly, I missed this event. :( I did get the drums, though. They’re super cool!

  5. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    One of my friends has an old Webkinz account, and she has this pet. I forget what she named it, though.

  6. CountryKinz17 says:

    Haha, I remember when I got this pet! That was an awesome giveaway!

  7. Julianna says:

    When i got this pet it came with a drum set and a plate of jellybeans as the food.

  8. sophi400 says:

    I think that you should list the special food and special item that comes with all of the pets. I can find this info at a non-ganz site, so why not here?

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