Ice Fawn

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22 Responses to Ice Fawn

  1. lunch says:

    I have an ice fawn whose name is Ruffian.

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I adopted this pet from the eStore. I named her Europa after the moon. She even has a moon bed in her room! :)

  3. CoolGirl765 says:

    This pet is sooooooo cute!

  4. migrubbs says:

    I’m going to get this pet for my niece and she wants it to be named Ice Crystal.

  5. PokeGirl21 says:

    I got this pet when i signed up a few months ago and it is sooo adorable!!!

  6. Pinkroses9872002 says:

    How about, “This Ice Fawn is the perfect doe to go and play in the snow! Make sure you don’t forget it’s Frosted Ice Cakes, and when you’re tired and want to rest, make sure you also don’t forget it’s unique, one of a kind, Musical Ice Box! It’ll rock you to sleep faster then you can say, ‘Ice Fawn is the best fawn ever!’ This ice Fawn will keep you busy all day long!”

  7. hellokitty1244 says:

    Awww I wanted this pet! They took it off the eStore tho. I was saving my points for it but they took it off. I could still get the fire fawn but I like this one more. I might get the moon fox now. :/ :)

  8. lovepuppy06 says:


  9. Fracktail says:

    Hah, it reminds me of Glaceon from Pokemon.

  10. kaylashortie says:

    i really want this webkinz.

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