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Kinzapedia® - Superhero Theme

Here comes the swf

Dame Dash Costume

Here comes the swf

Dame Dash Boots

Here comes the swf

Infinite Inferno Boots

Here comes the swf

Telepathy Titan Helmet

Here comes the swf

Telepathy Titan Costume

Here comes the swf

Telepathy Titan Boots

Here comes the swf

Captain Webkinz Boots

Here comes the swf

Infinite Inferno Costume

Here comes the swf

Captain Webkinz Costume

Here comes the swf

Captain Webkinz Helmet

Here comes the swf

Captain Webkinz Captain's Chair

Here comes the swf

Dame Dash Rocket Boots Display

Here comes the swf

Dame Dash Captain's Chair

Here comes the swf

Infinite Inferno Captain's Chair

Here comes the swf

Telepathy Titan Captain's Chair

Here comes the swf

Infinite Inferno Shield

Here comes the swf

Cosmic Energy Atom

Here comes the swf

Captured Criminal Chamber

Here comes the swf

Infrared Laser Helmet

Here comes the swf

Superhero Table

Here comes the swf

RoboKinz Guardian

Here comes the swf

LCD Crime Detector

Here comes the swf

Superhero Holographic Globe

Here comes the swf

Wraparound Computing Chamber