If your pet is looking for some fashionable threads, you’ll definitely want to browse the KinzStyle Outlet! PJ Collie has a wide selection of fabulous fashions that your pet will just love to wear! Keep checking the NEW section to see when the new outfits arrive each season!
KinzStyle Outlet

30 Responses to KinzStyle Outlet
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How do you spend moneyz? I really like the enchanted tiara but I don’t know how to get it. :(
There should be a button on the left that says spend your moneyz. Click on it and find the enchanted tiara. Click the “more” button on the enchanted tiara and click the buy button. If it won’t let you then you don’t have enough. I have one and will send it to you though. I would like something in return but you don’t have to. My username is pianogigirl. What’s yours?
I was not pleased with the Christmas outfit this year, as I am not a big fan of the academy style. Next year I would prefer something with a few ruffles (but not over-the-top!) and sparkles.
Yes ruffles and sparkles would be perfect!
ok i know no one will probably know but does anyone have the neon tutu recipe??
I have spent over 2,000 kinzcash on trying to figure out the neon tutu and I have gotten no where! If you want to read a couple pages of people talking about the neon tutu click on the detective cap clothing recipe and you will find a ton of comments about the rainbow tutu below.
i liked the choir uniforms for christmas mostly because im in choir myself but because they are classic looks with a holiday edge.although i would like some more fun out fits.
hey i know the toga recipe its kinzville skirt,white pants and flip flops.beutiful ballgown is powder blue skirt, leotard top,and blue bow.highland kilt is kilt skirt,purple kilt,funky plaid hat.
Found a great clothing recipe for a pretty moonberry dress, its a plaid buckle hat, purple pajama top, and smocked sundress. Very pretty. Check it out
thank you!!
Wow! That is REALLY pretty! Thank you! :)
Please add more christmas outfits for the non-deluxe members. I would likes something that is fun not a uniform. Thank you Ganz!
does anyone know any good clothing machine recipes? if so, comment below
I wrote down the wild watermelon shirt. I have it in my room I think. I will hopefully post tomorrow. and any others I know.
Cool, I have never found that recipe
I found it! its Emerald rain boots, Ballerina leotard top, and Polka dot swimsuit top
Where do you get Emerald rain boots?
They’re the green polka dot ones from the Kinzstyle outlet.
I know many great ones! Mix cowboy hat,cow poke top,and sun dress.For more go to google and type in Webkinz Clothing Machine Recipes
The Silver Jacket is a cool one: Tuxedo jacket, academy slacks, and tiara. It’s REALLY cool! :)
Here are all the clothing recipes I know. highland kilt, glass slippers, alphine hat, cowgirl dress, bright spies trench coat, beautiful blue ball gown, detective hat, groovy retro jeans, patched denim jacket, prismatic dress, rad rainbow overalls, sea side sarong, sparkly silver suit pants and jacket, starry starry hat, strawberry hat, stunning kimono, tabby’s glasses, toga, tie dye top, toy soldier coat, toy soldier hat, wizard’s apprentice robe, super star shirt, sweet dreams bathrobe, pretty plaid gown, busy artist smock, moonberry dress, race car driver outfit, sweet treats toque. If you need to know any of these recipes just let me know. and sorry I didn’t post the wild watermelon tee. I guess I couldn’t find it and then forgot. And I looked and looked and looked for the neon tutu and couldn’t find the recipe anyway! I found a few people who posted the “recipe” and tried it but it didn’t work. And one person said she figured it out but wouldn’t tell anybody because she wanted to trade. p.s. A lot of people have told me about webkinz insider and how they have a ton of recipes. They don’t have the neon tutu. And I know some that aren’t on there.
what is the recipe for the sweet treats toque? thank you!!!!!!!
I would like to know the recipes for the racecar driver outfit and the sweet treats toque.
super star shirt- white hollywood glasses,purple mod hat, funky flower pants moonbery dress-purple pj top, plaid buckel cap, smocked sun dress.
I love the kinzstyle outlet
I love the special clothes items!! <3
VERY upset with the Xmas outfts this year :( I really dislike the “academy” style, not all players are going to enjoy this-they should’ve put more options. The pjs are a bore too, thanks ganz. >:(
thanks ganz
Yeah the Xmas outfits were a bit of a downer but I liked the pjs. Thanks Ganz! :)