
This big cat is as friendly as is it is strong; if you’re looking for a faithful feline friend, look no further than the loyal leopard. While this leopard definitely likes the wild life, it is also quite happy spending time in a well-decorated room, or in the arcade playing some fast, action-packed games.

11 Responses to Leopard

  1. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I got him a T.J.Maxx earlier this year. I named him Donatello, because I was originally going to name him Leo, but then I decided to save that for a Leo Lion, so I named him a different famous artist.

  2. NWestern_RocknRollFan says:

    Trying to get one of these for Christmas this year. Gonna name him Sav if I get one.

  3. icestorm13 says:

    I have one named Thunder.

  4. Fracktail says:

    I love the plush version so much! His muzzle is adorable. :P

  5. 594nat says:

    I got the Lil’ Kinz one for Christmas, named Spots Junior. :-)

  6. puppypower04 says:

    Actually now that I got one for Christmas I didn’t name her Spotty, instead of that I named her Cleopatra

  7. puppypower04 says:

    I have a St. Bernard named spots ( now I know that is the WORST name ever hey I was only 6) anyways so I cant name it spots so I will name it Spotty

  8. crystal33447 says:

    hi guys! i have one but I’m not saying the name someone is going to take it so…..well bye!<:

  9. 594nat says:

    I have one named Spots. I love his fur!

  10. pandasgotswag says:

    this is my pet

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