Mocha Pup

This coffee-colored canine is the cuddliest pet around! Exploring different areas of Webkinz World is what the Mocha Pup likes to do best! This fun-filled, lively pooch keeps its energy levels high by snacking frequently on some Coffee Bean Biscuits!

25 Responses to Mocha Pup

  1. hek934 says:

    I have a Mocha Pup, and I named her Elsa. Trueone, a friend of mine, has one named Ana. I’m real “Frozen Geek”, if you would call it that. That’s the reason why I named her Elsa. Out of the about 21 pets I have, I’d have to say she’s my fave.

  2. LabLover2014 says:

    I named mine Coffee Bean (aka Coffee)

  3. puppypower04 says:

    i saw this at Wallgreens today but I wasn’t allowed to get it…. oh well! it is very cute, my grandma said she may get it for me! but if I got it I would name her Molly

  4. lovepuppy54 says:

    i forgot the pink and white dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. lovepuppy54 says:

    now my mom says i can choose two, the one that i ended up getting is the lil peanut pup i cant decide between these now! mocha pup, bichon frise, dazzle dachshund, blonde cockapoo, or the misty pup! HELP AGAIN!

  6. lovepuppy54 says:

    ya i think i will choose the dazzle dachshund

  7. 594nat says:

    I think you should choose the dazzle dachshund, brown dog and brown sugar puppy! I have the Mocha Pup. His name’s Mocha!

  8. lovepuppy54 says:

    oops! i forgot the lolipop pup and love pup!

  9. lovepuppy54 says:

    i have been looking for this puppy FOREVER i see them in the park all the time and i finally found it! my mom said i can choose one webkinz but i cant decide between this one and the lil peanut pup, donut pup, ice cream pup, candy pup, cupcake pup,cotton candy pup,dazzle dachsund,cherry soda pup,brown dog,or brown sugar puppy! HELP!

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