
What’s black and white and fuzzy all over? Why, it’s this perfect panda, that’s what! Pandas are known for their laid-back attitude and gentle nature. Pandas enjoy a well-designed room with lots of comfy places to sit – and a well-stocked fridge of Bamboo Pandaloni!

22 Responses to Panda

  1. alexispanda208 says:

    I fell so bad for the species it is endangered

  2. Brightstorm says:

    AW MAN!! I want this one SOOOO bad. :( oh well I would’ve called her Amanda! :(:(:(

  3. 594nat says:

    I have both the lil’ kinz and big’kinz. They are soooo cute! They’re name’s are Bamboo (big’kinz) and Bamboo Junior (lil’kinz)!

  4. puppypower04 says:

    I have her! I named her Pandey she is so cute! I totally recommend it

  5. bgunny says:

    I bought it yesterday :)! I have 2 retired pets now. It’s a shame that is retiring my best friend wanted one to guess I’ll share it with her. Does anyone have any name suggestions I was thinking Mandy would be a nice name but there are so many names out there.

  6. CrumpleHornedSnorcack says:

    Uh… In the description, why does it say the food is Pandaloni?

  7. pinkymai04 says:

    where do you get it?

  8. rosevh says:

    She was my second and now she is retired! D8

    • redgreen says:

      it was my second one too! although I lost my Geckos account so the first one on my redgreenandblue account P.S. redgreenandblue is my username (friend me!)

  9. aleman66 says:

    That was my first webkinz : ) I named her Sam, I got her in 2010.

  10. dsadgreu says:

    that is so cute that is my favorite animal so cute I am so going to get that no matter what happens… love pandas

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