With its snowy white fur, this little bunny is ready to hippity hop right into your heart! It’s easy to guess what this Webkinz likes most of all, jumping on a trampoline and hanging out in a carrot patch.

41 Responses to Rabbit
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He is my first webkinz, Waithy
My first webkinz <3 I named him Waithy and he is so adorable
I named this pet Bunbun (for obvious reasons).
My first Webkinz! I named her Cuti Pie.
i have a rabbit too, i named him after Grant Wilson the former co-leader of TAPS ghost hunters,
I have the big and Lil’ Kinz of this pet! I got the big one at Target around Easter a few years ago, and I found a code for a Lil’ Kinz on the cement of the courtyard at school. I named the big one Foo Foo after the cheeky rabbit in the nursery rhyme Foo Foo (or whatever it’s called), and I named the Lil’ Kinz Alyssa, because I’d had that name picked out for a while, and I had a reason, I just don’t remember it.
Okay, but is anyone seeing that pun in the PSI? Look at that pun. THAT IS A QUALITY PUN RIGHT THERE. *applauds*
Does it have something to do with the antenna on an older TV? Because if it does, that would be a AWESOME pun!
HA for some reason I never noticed that!! Good one, Ganz!
Someday, I’m going to get this pet and name her Snowdrop from Magic Molly, a book series by Holly Webb. It’s about Molly loves animals and wants to be a vet when she grows up, just like her dad. As everyone says, she’s got the magic touch! And she talks to animals.
Snowdrop is a pretty name!!!
I have the regular-sized Webkinz. Her name is Milou (the French translation of “Snowy” from Tintin).
That’s a pretty name!
Thank you, Fracktail! :)
And in honor of Leap Day, I’m adopting another White Rabbit! Her name will her Alice after the heroine in Alice in Wonderland. ;D
*be (not her)
Good name.
I have this pet. Her name’s Daisy!
I also have the Lil’ Kinz named Daisy Junior! :-)