Sequin Peacock

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28 Responses to Sequin Peacock

  1. xWebkinzLovax says:

    This is one of the cutest webkinz ever!

  2. peachesandicecream says:

    its so cute

  3. Isaboom says:

    I want the sequin peacock!

  4. catecutei12345 says:


  5. abcd2605 says:

    I just abopted one so cute

  6. Fisherp says:

    its more beautiful than a real peacock

  7. cassandradiaz531 says:

    i so want it!

  8. candyapplepinkypie says:

    sooooooo cute!!!!!

  9. webkinz8890kinz9 says:

    i want that webkinz badly

  10. Gracie10294 says:

    Adorable! -Gracie

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