This warm, caring cat is the perfect addition to any Webkinz family. Siamese cats are outgoing, lively, friendly and lots of fun! Be sure to take this kitty to the Clubhouse to chat and play games with their pals. To make your Siamese smile, pick up a Succulent Tureen of Sardine at the W Shop!

28 Responses to Siamese
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i have one i named her Ruby
Is it retiered? I hope i will get one from ebay.
I don’t think so. I could be wrong!
I don’t think it is. I think A.C. Moore and Tuesday Morning have the Siamese.
The Siamese cat was actually my first ever Webkinz! :D Her name is PomPom. So cute,
I have one named CookiesnCream
I was going to name my Domino Cat that, but there wasn’t enough space to put the words apart so I just named her Cream. That’s a good name for a Siamese cat though! (Mine is named Skooter because for some reason Scooter was out of the question.)
I know! I tried to name my Tropical Island Puppy Scooter and it didn’t allow it! I ended up naming him Harley, which I like better than Scooter!
Sooo cute! I’m going to get one and name her Namaste!
MY 3RD WEBBIE! Her name is Nicole and i wuv her <3
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully its a plush I just might get it then.
I have this cat. Its name is Hermione. <3 I bought from e-Store. It's my last pet. :)
Cute, I like the couch that it comes with. I have one named Jasmineā„
totes adorbs
hi its me with name a pet today i will show you the siamese cat names girl names coco lilly lurra gennelle rebecca tifany tallya brittny silver stream boy names cerjack rover mike jake earaveeno sol tiger jungle quarts thanks guys hope this helps please tell me what you think post a comment