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Sweetheart Monster

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I think I am going to be getting this pet tomorrow. I am going to name her Bad Romance, after my favorite song EVER!!! Can’t wait to adopt her! ***MidnightQueen***
What? I think it’s cute. I especially like the little angel wings.
I agree. It’s ugly.
I’m pretty sure they were going for the “ugly cute” design anyways, who cares if it’s not a pristine picture of beauty? Everyone has different tastes, and just because something looks cartoony doesn’t make it bad. Nobody complained about the Midnight Monster, after all…
I found the Midnight monster very cool actually, I got that at Justice a long time ago and I could’ve gotten something girlier and cuter instead. XD
Suggested description: Raaaaaawrrrr! Giggle, giggle! This is one sweetheart of a monster, sure to frighten off bad dreams and fill you up with love. She can’t wait to start cooking for you in her cauldron.