Velvety Elephant

Have you every met a Velvety Elephant? They’re cool, they’re funny and they’re totally terrific. Velvety Elephants are a lot like their Elephant cousins…but they’re just a bit softer! If you want to make your Velvety Elephant totally happy, pick up a delicious Peanut Parfait!

21 Responses to Velvety Elephant

  1. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    This is my 60th pet! His name is Timbo after one of the baby elephants from the movie Hatari! (the exclamation point is part of the title).

  2. stinkum5 says:

    I just adopted one a few days ago. His name is Valentino.

  3. 594nat says:

    I made an adoption video for this pet! Go to: to watch! Please check out my other videos too! :-)

  4. puppypower04 says:

    im jaybones sister with the Velvety Elephant named Velvet, and btw I had 2 one with a code and one without a code so I gave her one, she named him Eliot

  5. jaybones says:

    my sister has one named velvet

  6. 594nat says:

    I named mine Thomas! It’s fur is velvety!

  7. jenniferobbi says:

    My g-son just got this pet, and what else would he name it but Peanut.

  8. migrubbs says:

    I got this pet last year and tried the adventure pack. I named her Peanut.

  9. fairy16flower says:

    I just adopted this pet! I made her a girl and named her Peanuts!

  10. AngeloG4 says:

    Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! Pretty pretty pleaseeeeeeeee make this the pet of the month or retired pet…PLEASE!!!

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