Velvety Elephant

Have you every met a Velvety Elephant? They’re cool, they’re funny and they’re totally terrific. Velvety Elephants are a lot like their Elephant cousins…but they’re just a bit softer! If you want to make your Velvety Elephant totally happy, pick up a delicious Peanut Parfait!

21 Responses to Velvety Elephant

  1. Mavman15 says:

    Just bought it

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    I just love elephants! <3

  3. Garima says:

    How do I adopt this and start playing

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      If you have this pet’s Secret Code, sign up for an account and then click the button that says “Adopt A Pet with a Secret Code” in the Adoption Center.

  4. lunch says:

    I have a girl named Deirdre. She was a gift from a friend.

  5. Ally25510 says:

    I got one a few months ago. Her name is Liza. :)

  6. MooMandy05 says:

    I have this pet but there is no psi pictured??

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