Every thing you need for your pet’s room can be found in the one stop W Shop! With so many items, themes and categories, you’re sure to always find something new and exciting on which to spend your KinzCash! And when you find you have too much stuff and not enough money you can sell your items back for KinzCash!

24 Responses to WShop
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Ugh, man I miss the old WShop. Wish they never changed the look or merged E-Store items with KinzCash items. Now it’s too confusing, and too easy to drool at stuff I can’t afford. XP
no they should really update it they just should
They need to update this picture, it’s of the old W-Shop.
I say keep it up. I miss when it looked like this. D:
Me too! I really wish they wouldn’t have changed the way the W Shop looked back then. Doesn’t the “W” stand for “Webkinz”? I feel homesick just looking at this. :P