Salley’s Good News


Dear Diary,

Guess what? Guess what?! I’ve finally got some good news about Thanksgiving! My parents realized that I was having a really hard time making a decision about who to spend the holiday with, so they talked to each other and figured out a compromise.

My dad is going to come to Kinzville and take me out to lunch at Le Snout. My mom and I are going to have dinner together (with Stoogles visiting).  My parents are happy, and now I get to see them both on Thanksgiving!




33 Responses to Salley’s Good News

  1. Mercedes says:


  2. francinejellybean says:

    are her parents divorced that they can not be together as a family?

    • zeph317 says:

      I’ve never actually seen the word “divorced” when Salley talks about her parents, but from everything she says, I think that’s the case. The fact that they are communicating is wonderful news for Salley, don’t you think?

  3. FluffySilly713 says:

    Yay! I’m so glad it could work out! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    Yay you get to be with your mom and your dad!!!!

  5. zeph317 says:

    That is wonderful, Salley! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Addison, maybe you could show your parents this story; it might help them understand your feelings better. I hope so.

  6. SoccerPro34 says:

    Cool! Glad your parents found out what you were going through. Well…it all ends well! Have fun in Webkinz World! *Soccer* ;)

  7. jennifer says:

    Good, that’s the parents job, to get together and work things out for the betterment of their child. All you have to do, Salley is love them and tell them what’s bothing you. Happy Thanksgiving to all my Webkins friends. jennifer

  8. Joslenia says:

    Great sally! I knew some thing about thanksgiving would turn out just fine! Now you wont be misrebal!

  9. funlover101 says:

    Salley that is great!!!!!!! ( singing in the tune of we wish you a merry cristmas.) I wish you a merry thanksgiving, I wish you a merry thanksgiving, I Wish you a merry thanksgiving and a happy black friday.

  10. cathouse2 says:

    That’s awesome Salley! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! >>cathouse2

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