The Sniffles turn into a Cough


It’s Roberta again and I have some very bad news to report.  Remember the other day I told you about how Reid had a runny nose? Well, last night, I was sitting outside his bedroom door (just in case he needed me) and I heard him cough!


I told my mother we had to take him straight to Dr. Quack. She went into Reid’s room and checked on him. Despite the worrying cough I had just heard, he seemed to be sleeping soundly, but his nose did sound very congested when he breathed.


But do you know what my mother said? She told me I had to relax! She said he probably just coughed a bit because his nose was stuffed up and he had to breathe through his mouth. You know, I thought my mom was a wonderful mother, but I am really questioning her parenting skills right now. I mean, first it’s the sniffles, now it’s a cough! What next?


Read more: The Sniffles



31 Responses to The Sniffles turn into a Cough

  1. cimba2013 says:

    wrong comment

  2. cimba2013 says:

    oh man I didn’t mean to say that!!!!

  3. Totally19 says:

    Sound’s like your doing a good job though.

  4. Totally19 says:

    Well, That’s to bad. Just Relax!

  5. kae says:

    i think she need to chill its just a cold I mean all of us get them its not that big of a deal I have a cold now I just take cold pills and im ok but Roberta chill nothing bad is going to happen to him. :)

  6. kae says:

    awwww poor Reid I am sick but im ok I can overcome this and its gonna be ok I really hope Reid is ok after this. =(

  7. 4daisies2001 says:

    Good job taking care of your little brother!

  8. lulabellrose says:

    chillax Roberta,its just a cold not like he’s gonna die,in fact he doesn’t even need to go to the doctor,just listen to your mom.

  9. peace4567 says:

    Its Ok,He’s Gonna Be Ok,Try To Buy Some Medicane To See If He’s Ok First And If He Dosen’t Get Better Take Him To Dr.Quack.

  10. lexi5338 says:

    maybe he’s allergic to something like pollen???

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