The Sniffles

Oh my gosh! The most awful thing has happened! I went into my little brother Reid’s room this morning to bring him downstairs for breakfast and he has a runny nose! Isn’t that terrible? I rushed right down to get my mom and she told me to calm down, and that everyone gets the sniffles once in a while. How can she be so carefree? Reid is just little! This could be serious!


After breakfast I put him right back to bed and made sure he stayed there. He was getting really fussy and whiny so he must have been really sick. My mom says it was because he was bored being stuck in his bed and that I should play with him, but I’m sure it was because he was sick. A sick baby needs rest, not play!


I called my grandma and told her she has to make a big batch of chicken soup. My mom says Reid doesn’t like chicken soup, but I have to convince him to take it! I just want him to get better!

32 Responses to The Sniffles

  1. ilikekodi says:

    Chillax! he’s fine

  2. daltonmiddle says:

    don’t worry we will get better :)

  3. webkinz user says:

    It’s ok Roberta, calm down breathe in and out in and out ok now listen, he is fine everyone gets colds, coughs and sniffles but we all get better he will be fine trust me :)

  4. starkoko says:

    i don’t think you should worry yourself so much! he just needs rest. i think you should just watch him to see if he gets better.

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