Time to play Peek-A-Newz!Find Hailey five times between 12:00am EST and 11:59pm EST each day from May 1 to May 31, and you’ll win a random* piece of May Makeover clothing!
How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for Hailey. When you find Hailey, click on her. Find Hailey five times, then fill in the form and a random piece of a May Makeover outfit will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. *Some items are more rare than others. |
May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge
546 Responses to May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge
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i love thisgame
why cant you joyn its open to every one who wants it so just make one!! to 6mhc love your bff aspen
I love prizes. :-) (first comment? )
me to! i got the glaces my pet looks cool
me too
NICE LVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
monday makeovers
Is this really working? I’ve logged in and gone to about a gazillion pages, but no Hailey yet.
I did the same thing but no Hailey! Where is she? Is she even there?
Yeah she is there. I found her five times.
I have a broken ankle so I am on all the time. All the stuff is so gorgeous on my Golden Retriever!
sry to hear that you broke your ankle!! )B Hope you feel better
This is not working, also not working is the floating van can you fix it?
Yeah, the floating van is not working! It says when you click on it:
Warning: Page has Expired
This page is no longer available.
I found Haliey twice, then I couldn’t find her after that. I try to start a new browser and go on WKN again, but I can’t find her. Worst of all,I have clicked the van almost six different times and it still says the same thing! :(
I can NOT find Haily or Elwin anywhere!:(
Me either! i can’t find them. i have went to like every page on webkinz newz but i never found her!!!
I will give you a hint.
all you have to do is to wait until the page loads up and then look where the advertisement is and look near the blue part of the screen or the white part of it and click on her .
Hope this helps.
from, helper
i know right the same with me to but i only clicked the van one time bummer
Where did you find HER!
Me to, I only have two items! :(
I only have one and i’ve been on this for almost an hour!!!!
Same thing here.
So far I’ve only found Hailey once. I wish she’d pop up more often.
Where did she pop up at?
i couldn’t find it either i only found her once her head was sticking out from under the tabs up top!!!!! but thats after i clicked it fifty times :(
i cant find her! you guys you found them at least 1 time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its makes me soooooooo angry I click on the van and……………. It tells me its expired if its expired then get ride of it!
PS I,ve tried peek a news i never find it!
me too! i only found her like 2 times and NEVER again! no matter how many times i go on a diff pg, i can’t find her! good to know u guys have the same problem too.
If I’ve found Haley a couple times and then don’t see her for a while, I start over with the log in and she turns up fairly quickly again (usually by the 3rd or 4th new page).
take the floating van off and put in the password part of this login
This is all fabulous and all but I’d rather it be a Floaty Clicky one.
Me too it is like so much easier but why can’t i find hailey it is like she is not there is it the add?
Halley is peeking out from the adds or the top of the page. Sort of like the chocolate eggs did. Just check all the pages and scroll down a bit to check those adds also. It take a long time tho and most of us can’t use the computer that long! The floaty things are better. Good luck!
thanks zackNFL that really helps :)
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
I just wonder wish ones are the rarest ones, and wish not? Anyone looking for trade the clothes have duble city chik top thing with flower. And to suit tops or something… :)
I have everything (sometimes more than one) except the dapper casual pants, the vintage glam skirt and the vintage glam headband… thanks to everyone who helped me!
OKAY. This is FREAKY!!! We have the purple flowers on our plates and bowls that we eat with and this one time at dinner I could’ve sworn that I saw a “hailey-face” instead of one of those flower… I have been looking for way too long (no, that’s not the problem, it only takes me like 10 minutes but i’ve been doing it too many days) :-)
OK the tip of the day! If you have hard to find haily go here and log in again! And very often heily aperce just wen you go here. Good luck <3
it is oh it is or is it
I have the several of the dapper casual pants, the glam skirt and the headband. I would love to trade you for some of the things I don’t have.
i want the glam skirt! if i don’t gt it today!
why did u post 2 times??????????????????????????????
I never found Haily where is she???
OK, I have everything exept: that dress top, and the sunshades, specialy want the sushades! I have dobbles of: the hat, daper casual top, and flower top(white and grey)
P.S: Have 3 hats ;)
No, now only sunglasses mising, please reply have allot to trade, not only clothes!!!!!!!!!
I have lots to trade but do not know how to contact anyone.
I have been looking for three hours for all my accounts and I’ve only found Hailey 7 times total! We should do a protest where nobody goes on webkinz until ganz makes this easier, or makes this a floaty-click!
I find that Haylie appears right after you log in to Peek-a-Newz. So usually I will log in, and then after it takes me to the home page, I will go to only one or two other pages, and I will find her. So try logging in multiple times to catch her. It won’t say you have already logged in, so it should work.
Yup I’m done already! It took me about 15-20 minutes. Also, I found that Haylie sometimes appears after you click on the floating van.
Hope my tips are helpful! Good luck!
how can you find it to 15-20 minutes! i have been looking everywhere i entered my user it didn’t work! i think it is amazing to find it in 15-20 min. i hope people give me good luck to find Haylie. i am not mad yet. if i can’t find 1 in the next three days i will be upset guys
yea good luck! i have to log in multiple times or after the floaty van thing then i can find her
Good Luck! it usually takes me maybe 10-20 minutes to find hailey and if im lucky 5 minutes!
are your pop ups blocked? if so that could be the reason juigglypuff!
this time it took me only 10 minutes WOW that’s a first
i don’t know what with you guys i can find one hailey in five minutes, if i am lucky, i’ll find her one time in 2 minutes (there was a time that i found 3 haileys in 7 minutes!)
Wow, it took me 3 minutes…….
What I do is if I can’t find her, I log in again with the same account and she will show up again. Hope this helps!
i have a question do you have to have an account for the webkinz news to find haley?
no. if they did that it would be sooooo unfair. plus, they’d get so many complaints.
p.s i would be one of the complainers:)
that seems a little silly
Yes!! Ganz has some glitches and sometimes bugs that they NEED to fix, like sometimes when i’m on Webkinz playing with my pet it will randomly freeze then I have to log out and log back in! And Hailey is very annoying to find, I’ve been searching for almost 2 hours and only found her twice. They have to make this easier or they’re going to lose costumers!
AbbyFlower7, how many accounts do you have first and second, I’ve got a trick for you : if you go on the Fun tab and click on Fun Facts, just click on a question and look for Hailey. If she isn’t there, click on another question and do the same thing.
I agree. In 20 minutes I found only one!!!!
i’ve seen haily on the side of the page:)
by the way what have u gotton? i have city chic outfit(sunglasses,shirt,pants and boots),and the vintige hair band and vintige shoes.
Is anyone else having troubles finding her?
Thanks a bunch! I found her twice, and it takes forever!
Me too I can’t find Hailey at all!!! I’ve been on for two hours and she isn’t there!! DARN!!!!
I have been looking for one hour and I only found one hailey!
come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have found her all you have to do is wait until the screen loads up all the way and then try to find her.
HINT: you can find her if you look neer the advertisments. neer the blue part of the screen. or look beside the advertisement in the white. TTYL, smarty pants.
K great help hi hi hi hi I’ll try to do this!
Well i already got like 4 may makeoverthings,its very easy
doesn’t it only start at like noon
I just started looking for Hailey today. I found her five times in about five min. I go under the Fun tab and then hit Fun Facts, I click on on of the questions and almost every time I do that Hailey pops up, and then I go and do it again. Hey, by the way, would anyone like to be my friend on Webkinz?
my username is RoseyK1234.
Add me as a friend.
hard… really hard
i think it is easy
I am so mad right now!!! I just spent about 30 minutes right now looking for all five and when i finally got the last one it said the page was expired can you believe that?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so mad my face is as red as a tomato.(JK)
Yes, same here. I am ver aggravated.
I went on my game after it said the page was expired and I still won something. Just to let you know.
It did that to me once. And it’s so hard to find them, so it’s mean.
my page expired to! i was soo mad!
Where is that elephant???????? I am a busy person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :*
I dont know where to find her
Me to.
hint: she is peeking around home and new blog i hope this will help you.
yeah, she does peek out ther alot, but go to fun she hangs out there much more:)
i totally think this is great and all it’s just sooo hard to find the elephant thingy and it really makes me upset when I have her and the internet can not display the web page i mean it’s not like it’s a bad site it’s webkinz for crying out loud. come on people this is a simple webkinz challenge can’t my computer not give me any problems really. Have fun finding Hailey keep on searching
hello guys i am having alot of trubble finding the elaphant thingy and was hopping you could help me thanx even if you can’t i understand how hard this is for you guys too. Good luck to all of you and keep searching. have fun love always spoticus01 and happy hunting thx again see you in webkinz world
soooooooooo cooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) ,<3
Nice For You .
Everyone in my family likes getting free things but the Floating click to win is MUCH BETTER than the Peek a Newz. It just takes too long to do all of our accounts every day. Please change the programming to make it faster. It’s taken me over 3 hours do do 4 accounts :(
How do you enable pop ups?
Peacegirlbeebs008, hey! to enable your pop-up blockers, you have to go to ‘tools’ at the top of your wepage, then go to ‘options’ at the very bottom of the submenu the popup (tools), then on options, go to content,, and check off, ‘nlock pop-up windows’. :) Hope this helped!
Can the Peek A Newz be any SLOWER???? Hours searching for the elephant rather frustrating. Most likely won’t play other days if it’s this slow!!!!
Its OK just wait. it will come when its ready! :)
OMG!!!! It is my other occount!!!! :)
i know!!
fustrating so fustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to go
I agree. It takes too long for finding the elephants. I don’t have time in a day to search for five. I’m lucky if I have time for one. I definitely like the floating ones better.
i totally agree the floating ones are WAAAY
better i would rather look for 1 than 5 elaphants
I agree, but I have to find 15 instead of 5 because I’m doing it for friends. In all takes about 30 mins. :-P
I know people have already said this but Peek-a-News is so hard I only found her once and I could’nt find her again I soooo would rather have the Floaty things I love those.
actually its very easy to find the elephants. once i found it and i clicked then i found it two more times on the same page. Earlier, i found it twice again on a page.
me too it is SO easier
Which ad (advertisement) did you find her next to or page?
I do not like Peek-A-Newz at all, I like the prizes but it takes almost all day to get all five of the pictures! I wish this was a clicky floaty promotion…. Also she is showing up on my screen! Can you please fix this programing?
Guys!! Come on it is not that hard Hailey appers all the time!!! Just stop complaining and LOOK for her, thats all you have to do!!!!!!!! I find her five times in like 30 minute and my computer is sooo slow!!! Reality check here: Ganz will not do anything about this becasue NO ONE listens to whiners, and they won change it to a flaoty-clicky promo. Here is a few tips on how to find Hailey: When you get on to WKN log into the event as soon as you get there!!!! Second, if you find the floating van and click on it she will probably pop up there. Lastly, If you just search WKN she will mostly likely be hiding the the blue area or by the side adds. OH!! totally forgot… if you still cannot find her then log back on to this event and she will probably be on the log in pages. So people of Webkinz World MAN UP!!!! This event is not for babies!!! So stop complaining. Have fun finding Hailey!!!! I hope I helped you get over this dramatic thing you call a problem, but in reality it is not a problem. I also hope I helped you know more ways to locate Hailey o n WKN.
It doesn’t matter whether you have a slow computer or a fast computer. It’s all just a game of luck. Some people find her faster than others. And to alicatt66, obviously this event is not for babies. It’s just not for horribly unlucky people. And to everybody else, I wish you all the best (Trust me, you’ll need it. I know what it feels like to be on here all day and make no progress) and happy hunting!
I agree!
There is no such thing as luck, sorry to burst your bubble!
What do you mean 123 there is no thing as luck that dont make no sense!! ;)
love katt66 (i changed my name I was getting sick of alicatt66 =)
alicatt66 – It IS a huge pain to find her 5 times! There are 4 accounts in our family. You’d be upset if you had to go through this for hours. Would it kill you to be compassionate instead of mean about it?? Your message upset me (and others)…that in no way helps! I didn’t bother reading your message because of the negativity…it’s just wasted space to me…probably the longest message here in fact…so who’s being childish? Chill out! We’re here to have fun…so let’s have fun! :)
I don’t think that its difficult to find her
Wow. . .
i have found 2 in 1 minute
Well…. its not like Ganz is just going to give the prizes away for nothing!!!! It doesn’t even take THAT long to find her!!!!! I hope Ganz does nothing about it cause I like earning my prizes!!!! :D :D :D
n9 Rose n9
Lol One..Two..Three..ZZZ i love the username!!!
i have found hailey lots of times it really helps to log into peek a news then after you find her log into peek a news again! thanks for the tip Iloveanimals580 :D I am really hoping to get the blue skirt and shirt they look awesome :D
when i finally finish the peek a nez all i get it the wrong prize the road trip ball cap 4 two accounts
KellyCookieSlideshow says:
May 1, 2011 at 11:05 am
This is all fabulous and all but I’d rather it be a Floaty Clicky one.
Zabbie says:
May 1, 2011 at 8:18 pm
Me too it is like so much easier but why can’t i find hailey it is like she is not there is it the add?
I have not done it yet but it should be an ad i agree!
why is it so hard to find Hailey… i have waited for 20 mins and they have not shown her….
what is that supposed to mean, kronk66?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
WHAT? I DON”T GET IT kronk66!
Tip: Open multiple windows of WKN. It makes it go faster with more WKN’s open,
yes! thank u so much Packerdan205! now i only need 2 find her 1 more time. Who!
What does that mean???? That doesn’t make any sense!!!!
were is hailey?????? r u taking her off cuz she never shows up …
I have a easy time finding Hailey. I have found her five times in the last 5 min.
What does that even mean !?
OMG!!!!! I am so in love!!! I just got my first dog EVER this morning! She’s a cute yellow lab puppy who’s only 6 weeks old!!! OMG!!!! XD
what is the floating van??
i can’t wait!!!