Time to play Peek-A-Newz!
How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for Hailey. When you find Hailey, click on her. Find Hailey five times, then fill in the form and a random piece of a May Makeover outfit will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. *Some items are more rare than others. |
May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge
546 Responses to May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge
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Is anyone getting a warning message when you playing clicky floaty or peek a newz? I have gotten two messages. I am wondering if Ganz is having problems.
Sometimes you can find them in the skinny blue line running down beside the scroll bar. All you see is a little bit of purple. You have to really watch and click very carefully.
I have played this contest twice now, and have not received anything. Is there a glitch?
maximize your window…and look in the blue areas to the sides…she is often there! Hope this helps!!
Every time I play, I DONT get my prize, and its making me mad! I log in every day to nothing! Whats wrong with it? I am not on my Newz acoount, do I need to be? UGH UGH UGH!!!!!!!
Is anyone else not having the prizes awarded to them? After finding all 5 elephants, i go to my account and there is nothing there. hmmmmm
I thought the same thing , then noticed the prize was sitting in their dock.
Hey, for all of you who can’t find Haily or Elwin ( i haven’t found Elwin yet) be sure to look every where! I have found Haily 10 times, so, if you need any help…. look through the kinipedia, I gave up the first time I played, after findeing her 3 times, found her twice in there, and, also look through the news blog, I know it’s long, I looked on the last page, and the page in the middle. Also the page on the beginning. Look a few after and in between the pages, so if theres any there, you dont miss her. Also, playing games I found her! Ganz wants us to have fun, so, look in the arcade tab. general places to find her is on adds, peeking out on the sides of the screen, on the top of the screen, maybe even the bottom, I haven’t found her there yet, but I might, and she just might be there! I really hoped this helped you! I just started webkinz, so, if I helped add me as a friend on webkinz! My username is kittidino! ttyl!
i was searching for hailey (i had found her two times), and then I was like YESSS cuz i found her peeking out of the left side of an ad. i clicked on her, pressed continue or whatever and it loaded the same page again. ….she was in the same spot! i clicked on her and said continue and it loaded the page…again, she was in the same spot! :D i was like yayyyy even though it was probably a glitch but it was still very cool i didnt have to spend 3 hours!
Oh, it’s not too hard to find Hailey. She’s sometimes peeking from the side or from the very top toolbar. Don’t go to another page too fast! she takes about 20-30 secs to pop up. She has a 15 percent of showing up for me :). Switch pages every 45 secs. I read the news articles so it isn’t so boring.
I love the outfits!
Okay, people, I’ve got a hint for you…. I agree, it’s VERY DIFFICULT to find the Peek-A-Newz characters/eggs/etc. but if you continue to re-enter your account and “PLAY” Hailey is A LOT easier to find. Usually, after I hit “play” she will show up around the 2nd or 3rd screen I click to. And she’ll show up sometimes two times rather quickly. But then she’s not around. Just go back to the Home screen and click Peek-A-Newz again and re-enter your information and hit “play” like you are starting over. It seems to go faster. I have 7 accounts and I was able to get it for everyone today. I would just switch off between my accounts. Also, be sure to scroll down to see the ads because Hailey is often hidden off your screen. Oh, and one more thing. If you get kicked out for an internal service error after finding Hailey 5 times, don’t worry. Just re-enter your info to the Peek-A-Newz site and it’ll let you try again. Whew! Hope this helps everyone! Good Luck!