May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Find Hailey five times between 12:00am EST and 11:59pm EST each day from May 1 to May 31, and you’ll win a random* piece of May Makeover clothing!

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for Hailey. When you find Hailey, click on her. Find Hailey five times, then fill in the form and a random piece of a May Makeover outfit will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

*Some items are more rare than others.

546 Responses to May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge

  1. Shelby says:

    Hailey is so hard to find most of the time. Its very irritating…

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    On Tuesday, 3 May 2011, at about 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Halley was in the Kinzpedia, under Games. Keep clicking on different games. Enjoy!

  3. sammy2a says:

    Haliey come out come out where ever you are i am going to find you at some point {i hope} if you see her help me please wait i don’t know if against the rules so i guess not by.

  4. kjha01 says:

    I can find Hailey about three times and that is it she disappears. I can’t spend hours and hours waiting. At least lower the amount of times you have to find her. I had trouble with the egg too. When we were searching for the hamster I found him in a shorter amount of time. Also, what is with having to enter these security codes ALL the time.

  5. kaylee says:

    i tried it and i found her 2 times but that was it, now i cant find her. and the floating van says the page expired every time i click on it

  6. The Dude says:

    I CANNOT FIND HAILEY! I have been playing for one hour and I’ve only found her once! This is impossible! :@

  7. jake says:


  8. spdrgrl27 says:

    5 times to click on her is way too much! Certainly the ppl at this company don’t want kids to sit on here all day? I don’t get it…

  9. 555nbc says:

    I can’t even find her once!

  10. Penny3030 says:

    Where do you get more Spree dice?

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