May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Find Hailey five times between 12:00am EST and 11:59pm EST each day from May 1 to May 31, and you’ll win a random* piece of May Makeover clothing!

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for Hailey. When you find Hailey, click on her. Find Hailey five times, then fill in the form and a random piece of a May Makeover outfit will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

*Some items are more rare than others.

546 Responses to May Makeover Peek-A-Newz Challenge

  1. chinesemimi says:

    i found her, but there was no prize????

  2. Dona says:

    I found Haily 5 times but when I logged in no gift. How about you?

  3. bratzsasha9 says:

    LOVE IT!!

  4. bratzsasha9 says:

    love it…love it

  5. Marie01020 says:

    hey yall ive only found hailey once i dont find this very fair cuz she only shows up once if you agree add me,Marie01020 see yall in webkinz world

  6. nitrous172 says:

    I found all five today

  7. Misssierra1 says:

    Yay! I got the headband! and btw my username is … misssierra1 and i send gifts everyday

  8. Sam says:

    Its just Hailey ur supposed to find. But keep trying with the van though. Hope this helps!!!

  9. Awesome random says:

    Has anyone seen this elephant dude?

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