Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

Have you seen the newest additions to our MAZIN'™ Hamsters team?

Pixie Hamster Sparkle hamster Waffles hamster
Pixie Sparkle Waffles
Willow hamster Cookie hamster Hope hamster
Willow Cookie Hope

All new hamsters come with personalized ball designs to run through mazes and personalized tube textures to decorate mazes with. If you haven't checked out MAZIN' Hamsters yet, go to the MAZIN' Hamsters section in the "Things to Do" list and GO MAZIN'!

302 Responses to Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

  1. olm says:

    i love those little guys so much.i have nick but i change his name to santa kinz i got him for christmas. i also have willow,cookie,and sweetie i just left there names the same.i have a lot of webkinz too i just lost how many i have.

  2. miranda says:

    hope’s name should be peace. I wish I had hope but I have spooky

  3. Rob says:

    Evreyone says they have sparkle, but I want her, for my hamster family, with preston (presto, the dad) SPARKLE (the mom) sweetie (her name is alice,SPARKLE’S dauter) and nick (the little bro.) (I have nick, I have presto, I have swetie… BUT NOT SPARKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. clare says:

    cookie is a cutie. i allready have mazin hamsters. they have a little world just for thaem.

  5. Laney says:

    there all so cute i wish i could have them all.

  6. mazin hamster lover says:

    I love mazin’ hamsters i have sparkle,nick,spooky,midnight,presto,waffels,and CHILLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky and i want cookie,hope,willow,pixie,zap,fresco(i could have goten fresco when i got midnight),and all the ones that they make in the future and here’s a idea for one.Bunny, the easter mazin’ hamster.She has easter eggs all over her(if you can do eggs)and she is pink.If you already have a easter one,its the least i can do.:)

  7. Kay says:

    I love the hamsters. It is so different and adds a lot to Webkinz. Thanks.

  8. Cooper says:

    I have sunshine. My brother got me her for christmas!

  9. agatar101 says:

    My dad bought me sweetie 4 Christmas…..

  10. Celia says:

    I have HOPE. She is very beautiful.

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