Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

Have you seen the newest additions to our MAZIN'™ Hamsters team?

Pixie Hamster Sparkle hamster Waffles hamster
Pixie Sparkle Waffles
Willow hamster Cookie hamster Hope hamster
Willow Cookie Hope

All new hamsters come with personalized ball designs to run through mazes and personalized tube textures to decorate mazes with. If you haven't checked out MAZIN' Hamsters yet, go to the MAZIN' Hamsters section in the "Things to Do" list and GO MAZIN'!

302 Responses to Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!


    I love hamsters I have nick he’s so cute I want Cookie

  2. priscilla17102002 says:

    I totally love Sparkle, Cokkie, and Hope!I wish I have them though

  3. 12lovesyouandme says:

    i reallllly want hope but i cant get her she is soooo cute !!

  4. Weta says:

    Thats so sweeeeet yah i have HOpe but I change her name 2 Mary

  5. Emelina says:

    Awww I have Hope!!!! I luv her and play w/ her everyday!!!

  6. levi says:

    i have honey his name is furry. he is sssssssssoooooooooooooooo cute

  7. Dayna says:

    I have all the Mazin Hamsters and they are all so cute!

  8. invisible ninja says:

    I have Cookie, I changed its name though to Freckles and I have snowflake she is so cute, I changed her name to Maggie
    they are both so cute!!!:0)

  9. audrey says:

    audrey loves her hamsters she plays on webkinz world every day

  10. joyce says:

    shaylee loves her hamsters she plays on webkinz world everyday

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