Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

Have you seen the newest additions to our MAZIN'™ Hamsters team?

Pixie Hamster Sparkle hamster Waffles hamster
Pixie Sparkle Waffles
Willow hamster Cookie hamster Hope hamster
Willow Cookie Hope

All new hamsters come with personalized ball designs to run through mazes and personalized tube textures to decorate mazes with. If you haven't checked out MAZIN' Hamsters yet, go to the MAZIN' Hamsters section in the "Things to Do" list and GO MAZIN'!

302 Responses to Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

  1. alexander10 says:

    NICK is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. glowy says:

    hey cool girl i order everything on amazon so order hope there ok?

  3. My many names says:

    I want hope, cookie,pixie, sparkle, nick, petunia, twilight & zap. but i also want the other ones!! THEYRE ALL SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!

  4. bregym says:

    mazin hamsters are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i wish i had one so badly! they all look so kool. pixie looks like a lepoard. does she go fast in the mazes? hope looks sweet like she is all layed back since she has peace signs all over her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  5. pinkyberries says:

    i have sweetie,i love her! i play with her everyday! i want pixie and hope, sparkle too. and there is a new one called cinnamon. i want her too!

  6. BigSisterTo2 says:

    I love Pixie!

  7. COOL GRL says:

    i love the mazin hamsters there all so cute i have pixie but i changed the name to small fry!!!! i really want hope but everwhere is sold out

  8. BlueBerry says:

    my sisters birth-day is soon I love Willow maybe she will love him to Willow is really cute!

  9. Duncan says:

    I want a mazin’ hamster SO badly!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope is SO cute! I want her for a present really soon! Then I can play in the Hamster Hamlet, do more mazes AND find moolah, sparkles and more pieces for my mazes!!

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