Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

Have you seen the newest additions to our MAZIN'™ Hamsters team?

Pixie Hamster Sparkle hamster Waffles hamster
Pixie Sparkle Waffles
Willow hamster Cookie hamster Hope hamster
Willow Cookie Hope

All new hamsters come with personalized ball designs to run through mazes and personalized tube textures to decorate mazes with. If you haven't checked out MAZIN' Hamsters yet, go to the MAZIN' Hamsters section in the "Things to Do" list and GO MAZIN'!

302 Responses to Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

  1. alybloo says:

    Ok so, those hamsters are cute. I have 2 but not any of those. I have Presto (named it Jacob)and Cinnamon(named it Bella)and they are so darn cute!! I <3 them.

  2. Leah says:

    I really want the Willow hamster! I love its colors and it remind me of my cousin’s adorable hamster, Dixie. If she played Webkinz I would get this for her birthday as a present!

  3. SYNASTER REV says:

    i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE cookie, and sparkles is REALY cute!”

  4. Claire says:

    I gave Cookie to my sister for Christmas and she loves it

  5. Jingle says:

    Guess What You Guys!!! I Just Went To Key Craze And I Got Sign of Hope!!!!!! So Cool Isn’t It.:)

  6. Madison says:

    I have somthing to say, I have a netbook, but the wbkinz screen does not fit! Will you add an auto-screen adjuster so that it will fit on the small screen. Also, I LOVE Mazin’ Hamsters, but, my desktop computer will not run the program! Can you fix these problems?

  7. Jingle says:

    I Got Nick On Tuesday This Week He is Soooooo Cute!!!!!!

  8. ribbett says:

    I have two Willow and Sparkle!

  9. carrie says:

    so cute!!!!!!! i have sunshine

  10. Erin says:

    I want Hope!!!!!!!!!!

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