Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

Have you seen the newest additions to our MAZIN'™ Hamsters team?

Pixie Hamster Sparkle hamster Waffles hamster
Pixie Sparkle Waffles
Willow hamster Cookie hamster Hope hamster
Willow Cookie Hope

All new hamsters come with personalized ball designs to run through mazes and personalized tube textures to decorate mazes with. If you haven't checked out MAZIN' Hamsters yet, go to the MAZIN' Hamsters section in the "Things to Do" list and GO MAZIN'!

302 Responses to Check out the latest MAZIN’ Hamsters in stores now!

  1. Willow says:

    I have the Willow mazin hamster because Willow is my name.
    i have 3 mazin hamsters. Willow, Presto and Hope. I love webkinz so keep making it better. THXbYE. :D

  2. celia says:

    I like all hamsters , but my preferat is hope

  3. Xxdolly234xX says:

    I LOVE mazin hamsters! I have nick and he’s SOO cute!

  4. cobaltblue says:

    208 Comments?! Man! Those Mazin’ Hamsters are really taking off!

  5. Sarah says:

    I have 2 MAZIN HAMSTERS!!!!!!! I have sweetie and snowflake!!!!!!!!! I am going to get them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!At My house now I have 2 dogs 3 cats 1 giniepig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am all about ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My mom is a vet and I am going to be one to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. zo91 says:

    I have waffels!!!!!!!

  7. shelby says:

    i got cookie putuna and cinimon they are all sooooo cute i even take them to school:D<3

  8. Shelby says:

    i luv them they r all so cute i want them but i already have the cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  9. bigsis13 says:

    my fav hamsters are willow pixie cookie hope and fresco!

  10. bigsis13 says:

    willow is so cute, i had a hamster that looked like him but he passed away :( i was very upset. but anyways if you don’t have a mazin hamster you should get one. the mazin hamster place on webkinz world is awesome. there are daily events, a mall where you can spend mazin moolah which is stuff you earn there by doing mazes and stuff. if you don’t have a hamster on webkinz GET ONE! 8)

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