Now at the eStore – Meadow the MAZIN’ Hamster!

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to introduce Meadow the MAZIN’ Hamster! This fresh-looking friend loves exploring the Hamlet and visiting flowery mazes. Meadow will also provide a lot of petal power with their floral Hamster Ball and Tube Design!

Meadow the MAZIN’ Hamster is available exclusively at the Ganz eStore, so take a springtime stroll over to the Ganz eStore today!

312 Responses to Now at the eStore – Meadow the MAZIN’ Hamster!

  1. KatieKinz says:

    LOL very cute. I like it. Good job webkinz world!

  2. justen bibrer fan 2 says:

    I love all the webkinz

  3. foopetsgal14 says:

    I wonder if the Sparkle hamster will ever be Mazin’ hamster of the month because I have one of those named pinky.

  4. YO says:

    he looks like he’s wearing pants :mrgreen:

  5. royalwedding2011 says:

    I <3 London! :) Who else does?

  6. paige says:

    Oh I wish I had enuf e store points 4 2 mazen hamters I want then card one and this one any way I will not be getting any now unleess their is a contest! Hope that their is because I want the silky chicken I only have 4000 points. I’m getting some from game stop so excited I am saving up because I really want the 25000 one but I only have some what money?

  7. emily 8555558858858585858585/858585858585858 says:

    hey they ARE SO CUTE LOVE THEM

  8. TIA says:


  9. thinmint5 says:


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