Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

248 Responses to Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

  1. deven says:

    i love minieahamters

  2. brooke says:

    paige,are you paige knotts,if you are its brooke from Thornbrooke and cool coment

  3. LOULU1111111 says:

    Add me please!=)

  4. colby says:

    cool but I don,t like it

  5. Vanessa says:

    Does anyone want me to add them as a friend and then you add me? Can you though please?!
    <3 :]

  6. dasker says:

    Let me jog your memory a bit when webkinz first started their was no sutch thing as deluxe memmber ship I think menny pepole agery with me that they gone to far with this.What is it forty somthing dollars for not even real stuff! I feel sorry for you pepole who bought deluxe member ship you could have bought four webkinz and one littel kinz with that kinda mony.And all those who think this is crazy good for you!

  7. keelana says:


  8. alex says:

    it is my birthday!

  9. leah says:

    I LUV ALICE in wonderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I relly wish i had him

  10. jenna says:

    he is so cute.

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