Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

248 Responses to Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

  1. caitlyn says:

    heyy that little hamster is SOO cute! anyone who wants 2 b my friend my username is simbasquire i hope we can b friends!

  2. heidi says:

    kittykat43437 is my username
    p.s.add me

  3. eva says:

    ilove a mazing ;]

  4. Emma says:

    What are you all talking about?

  5. KELLY says:


  6. Kate says:

    I found out that only 2 out of 10 webkinz users have estore points. That’s not cool because some of us just stand there looking at the computer screen wishing we had estore points, when people with estore points go shopping and buy the new mazin hamster what’s the point I go around webkinz world and find out that you need to have deluxe membership or estore points to do the fun stuff!! That is totally unfair!!!

  7. azaley says:

    lets all add each other my username is pupachinno on web kinz

  8. KKCLOVER says:

    Well so do i will someone please write back to me?PLEASE I HAVE NEVER GOT A COMENT BACK PLEASE BYE BYE

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