Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

248 Responses to Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

  1. Nicole says:

    Hey quick question…….. How exactly do you get Deluxe Membership?????????? :)

  2. kylli says:

    sounds cool and i want one do you

  3. sECRETaDMIRER says:

    Hey peopl! This is my third coment! 1st Eart pup, then lil’ lambs, now this! Awesome to me. Remember! Please send me a friend request! Username:animalprincess100 (It’s an old username.) =)

  4. none says:

    what does this get you?

  5. karissa says:

    suffles should be on alice an wonderland he would look so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Alexis says:

    I think Shuffles is really cute and adorable!And Iam a deluxe member and I am so getting cute Shuffles someday!

  7. gielco says:

    i have him do you wanna be my bff?

  8. luvwebkinz06411 says:

    he looks like he should be on a movie i watched <:( :( :)

  9. abc says:

    kool!!! ive just got shuffles yesterday!!! he’s sooooooooo awesome!!! :P

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