Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

248 Responses to Shuffles MAZIN’ Hamster

  1. bananabri99 says:

    hey if you want to be my friend, look at my name. That’smy username on webkinz. I’m looking
    forward to having a lot more friends!!!!! :) :D :P O:)

  2. martha says:

    hey everybody wats up

  3. mariah says:

    hey if u wanna be my friend my user name is babyphat49

  4. lulu says:

    hi people!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. bren bren says:

    omg carisenew i only have one mazin hampster too and its the purple one named petunia lol i wish i had shuffles!!! 8)

  6. crookedears says:

    I look forword to meeting you.

  7. Webkinz FAN says:

    I HAVE HIM!!!!!! Add Me On Webkinz World My User-name is puppylove7891011

  8. apollothefox says:

    Snowballpunk and flowerstar98, YOU ARE SO RIGHT!! I love that movie!!! He should be the Red queen’s personal guard!!

  9. Carlie says:

    I sooooooooo wish l had Shuffles!!!!!! He’s sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! Who here thinks the same thing?!?!?!?!?! If you do, please reply to my comment!!!!! Thanks soooooooo much!!!!!!

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