Sprinkles the MAZIN’ Hamster!
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Sprinkles, the magnificent maze runner, rules rolling in a Sprinkles Hamster Ball! Plus, Sprinkles comes with a colorful candy Tube Design that’s so sweet, it could almost cause cavities!
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Sprinkles MAZIN' Hamster will be available at Ganz eStore until 11:59pm January 31, 2011 EST.
Visit the Ganz eStore and add this awesome sweetie to your collection of MAZIN’ Hamster friends today!
she is ssssssssssssooooooooooooo cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
oh my gosh Sprinkles is so cute!
Pegagrl Ok that makes sense. But I still think that it should be a plush. Then how about this? They make it a plush but you can buy it from the estore to. That would solve all the problmes I think.
I agree with Angry Squirrel. It does cost real money for something that is only virtual. I have bought Twilight my Mazin” Hamster from there only because at the time Twilight and Zap were the only ones to buy. There weren’t any plushes. I do think that every time we log on we should not get it thrown in our faces we should be Deluxe. And the little Deluxe sign that shows you everthing you can do. I don’t need that useless junk. I KNOW about Deluxe Membership Why? Because I HAVE been one but my one year membership just now ran out. It is very mean that some people that can’t play Deluxe games. But I HAVE BEEN dELUXE AND PLAYED STARDROPS AND LET ME TELL YOU DON’T BE SAD BECAUSE IT IS A MATCH THREE BORING GAME IF YOU ASK ME. ANYWAY I SEE YOUR POINT.
I Just wish you would stop fighting. I am Dissapointed in Mazin’ Hamsters because It won’t let me play with Twilight my Estore pet. It keeps tellin me that I need to download something I download it but it still doesn’t work same thing with the new game Wacker Zingoz. Is anyone else having this problem. I THINK it is the Whole 3D THING which I HATE. I think they are cuter in Webkinz form than in 3D. So I CAN ONLY PLAY IT ON MY LAPTOP.
hi i am bolt the laying down signature golden retever! um ganz stop the mazin hamsters.. O_O and NO! I AM NOT A BOY WEBKINZ!!! sorry, that was kind of.. rude tho lol TTYL! Peace!
Hi i am cloudy the lil’ kinz lamb! :) I HOPE I GET ONE OF THE ONLINE HAMSTERS!!! :D then my colleton of hamsters will be complete! i wil have five hamsters soon! right now i have four, i hope i complete the colleton! :) see more of my comments! bye! (it was me: jessia)
OMG wow sprinkles!!! (ignores no more estore) gues what? I LUV MAZIN’ HAMSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (also i am a mazin’ hamster fan too) LESS TALK MORE MAZIN!!!! :) GO MAZIN’ HAMSTERS!!!!! :D
NO MORE ESTORE! NO MORE ESTORE! and i will never buy estore ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!