The Millionth MAZIN’ Hamster

THE MILLIONTH MAZIN’ HAMSTER REGISTERED PRIZE IS NOW CLOSED. Look for the announcement on Webkinz Newz soon.

Something very amazing is happening in Mazin’ Hamsters this week!

Those fearless, fast and adorable little Mazin’ Hamsters have clearly overrun the habitat. In fact, we just got word that we’re about to approach the millionth Mazin’ Hamster registered!  We expect to hit this mark by Thursday of this week.

The millionth Mazin’ Hamster registered will truly be one in a million and they’ll get a super awesome prize:

The Webkinz World player who registers the millionth Mazin’ Hamster will receive a (virtual) code for every Mazin’ Hamster pal released in our 3-D World to date!  That’s 27 of your favorite little critters like Fresco, Zap and Flora.

The race is on for the millionth Mazin’ Hamster! There will be only one! Will it be you?

The user that registers the millionth Mazin’ Hamster will receive 1 virtual feature code for each one of the 27 Mazin’ Hamsters via a Kinzpost in Webkinz World.

189 Responses to The Millionth MAZIN’ Hamster

  1. webkinz says:

    Anyone know this riddle?” These rodents are a craze, they zoom through maze after maze. anyone?

  2. popprincess34 says:

    ,good luck everybody.This is really exciting.I am not geting a mazin hamster

  3. Caleesa says:

    please friend me

  4. Victoria says:

    cool who is it

  5. Ska8RKAT says:

    million mazin hamsters… THAT IS AWESOME Dudes! It stinks I used my Mazin hamster code a DAY before this was here…!

  6. iluvPF says:

    i only hav 6 MAZIN HAMSTERS n i want em all but my dad says NO.

  7. 25389ghjk says:

    I got it. Yeah Yeah! I wasthe winner. I got all the codes now! Yay! Yay!

    • Flowerchild6 says:

      Congratulations!!! I’m really happy for you! :) That’s really great! I tried today at 12:00 PM with my new hamster Pipsqueak! Once again, congratulations!!!

  8. 6074 says:

    I have one question: What happens if you bought all the hamsters, do you still get the suprise? I have all the hamsters, but didn’t get ‘chili hamster’.

  9. Cinderpelt1998 says:

    I would love to win, but I don’t think I will. I think it is cool, but a little bit unfair. I don’t think this person should get all the codes, maybe like 15 of their chouce or something, because it’s cool but I mean, the odds are low and nobody knows if they’re getting it. I really want to, but I don’t have a hamster to register so it won’t be me. ~Cinders~

  10. Flowerchild6 (PS: that is my username) says:

    I have decided to name her Pipsqueak! I’m going to adopt her at 12:00 PM TODAY!!! (Because TODAYS the day they think the millionth will be adopted!) Good luck to everyone! (PS: Sunshine is the hamster I got, but I’m renaming her Pipsqueak!)

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