Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
I really want all the MAZIN’ Hamster hamster bundles and I do not care which one I get if I got a MAZIN’ Hamster bundle exepet for if I got Patty from one of the Patty bundles cause I already have Patty. We got the Sprinkles and Patty bundle and I got Patty. I wish Ganz could make the MAZIN’ Hamster bundles plush. They could just tape two MAZIN’ Hamster boxes together and make the virtual only mazin MAZIN” Hamsters plush and then put one MAZIN’ Hamster in one box and the other MAZIN’ Hamster in the other box.
Hey Ganz! Would you please update Mazin Hampters? They are so cute! Like what’s new? What are they doing this summer? When another WOW Wednesday is coming??? !!! Thanks!!
If I got one of those bundles I would not care whice hamster I got exept I would care if we got the midnight and twilight one and the shuffles and patty one. If I did not not have patty yet I would not care whice hamster I got and I would care if I got twilight if we got the twilight and midnight bundle and I would care if I got patty in the shuffles and patty bundle. we got the sprinkles and patty bundle and I got patty.
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
Wow its Wendsday. Not wow. A school day.
I call Numbi and Midnight! I would name them Dawn (Nimbi) and Eve (Midnight). All of them are cute but Nimbi is defiently my favorite.
i want flora and sprinkles! i wish i had estore. do mazin hamsters add anything special to your webkinz account?
I love meadow and midnight!!!!! <3 so cute!
I really want all the MAZIN’ Hamster hamster bundles and I do not care which one I get if I got a MAZIN’ Hamster bundle exepet for if I got Patty from one of the Patty bundles cause I already have Patty. We got the Sprinkles and Patty bundle and I got Patty. I wish Ganz could make the MAZIN’ Hamster bundles plush. They could just tape two MAZIN’ Hamster boxes together and make the virtual only mazin MAZIN” Hamsters plush and then put one MAZIN’ Hamster in one box and the other MAZIN’ Hamster in the other box.
Hey Ganz! Would you please update Mazin Hampters? They are so cute! Like what’s new? What are they doing this summer? When another WOW Wednesday is coming??? !!! Thanks!!
If I got one of those bundles I would not care whice hamster I got exept I would care if we got the midnight and twilight one and the shuffles and patty one. If I did not not have patty yet I would not care whice hamster I got and I would care if I got twilight if we got the twilight and midnight bundle and I would care if I got patty in the shuffles and patty bundle. we got the sprinkles and patty bundle and I got patty.
I have regular Mazin’ Hamsters, not estore ones….
I really want Flora and Meadow. They make a perfect pair!!!! And they’re so adorable.
!!!!!!!! I CAN”T PICK!!!!!!!!!!!