A Cool Pet of the Month!

The coolest bear in Webkinz World is December’s Pet of the Month! Give it up for the always awesome, always winsome Polar Bear! You can catch the Polar Bear in its very own video, “Ice Man Blues” (who knew the Polar Bear was such a great sax player?). When you adopt the Polar Bear in December, you’ll get a special loot bag of great gifts!

47 Responses to A Cool Pet of the Month!

  1. jazzy blue says:

    that is one awsome video!

  2. saxa suzie says:

    yup, i think it’s a chart topper.

  3. cameron says:

    polar bear has been potm 2 times!

  4. cameron says:

    I have a lil kinz polar bear :( but Ilike it

  5. gingerhorsez2 says:

    I have a polar bear. I named him Tember. Also, what if you were walking in town, wearing a polar bear costume, holding a blue saxophone, wearing the Iceman outfit, and you were saying “I’m Iceman!”

  6. Bittersweet says:

    Your the best! We should get together sometime! Your my new BFF!

  7. Bittersweet says:

    Thank you soooo much. Finally!

  8. SmielyGirl says:

    I’d be glad to enter! Um a name I thought of was Skittles. What a fun contest! Bye!

  9. Bittersweet says:


  10. Bittersweet says:

    ENTER…Dont be shy come in and ENTER!

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