Cardinals for Christmas!

Limited supply this year

Have you seen the Lil’ Kinz Cardinal up close? This cheerful, bright bird is just right for the holiday season and the berry-decorated Cardinal’s Nest Chair is the perfect addition to any Christmas-themed room.

If you want to give the Lil’ Kinz Cardinal to someone special this Christmas, check stores now! Only a limited number are available and no more will be sold to retailers this year.

12 Responses to Cardinals for Christmas!

  1. Alex says:

    That Bird Is Lucky After All.A Leaf Chair

  2. bunnylover says:

    A border collie lived in the backyard next door and barked at it’s own echo!! It barked OVER and OVER and ALL NIGHT!! Aaaaahhhh Winston was SO annoying. My grandpa likes border collies best cause he has a ranch and they’re good at herding. Our dog Buddy was so much fun but he only knew how to sit and stay. And catch a piece of dog food in his mouth. He was a lab mix. We’re raising money for a puppy. Hopefully a puppy that lives at my brother’s employer’s place.

  3. Harry Potter jr says:

    Did you know JK Rowling also has a greyhound? I also like greyhounds and shepherds. I like big dogs cuz they are gentle, and those little dogs are mean and feisty and don’t know how to be socailable. Our next door neighbors have these 2 boxer dogs that bark bark bark bark all day long! They don’t know how to SHHHHH! And we also have this neighbor who has a tiny dog that barks at the boxers all day long. It get’s annoying! But the dogs are still cute and really good guard dogs. All that barking would annoy a burglar away!

  4. Harry Potter jr says:

    Hello people! Can I join? I do not have a dog yet, but I will be getting a Chocolate Labrador retriever named Kylie soon! I can’t pick a favorite breed, because I love all dogs! But if I HAD to pick my top 4, I’d pick: Husky, Beagle, Dalmatian and Labradors. For your quiz, Labs, Sheppard, and Border Collies are all very intelligent dogs. I don’t believe the breed counts. It’s all about individuals. You can have a very smart dog that belongs to a breed that is not very smart. Or vice versa. You can’t judge all dogs amongst one. My mom had 2 pet border collies when she was a kid. I watch dogs 101 a lot! I can\’t wait to get Kylie! I love dogs! I know a lot about training dogs, like walking, fetching, and basic training! I am sorry I didn’t join sooner, I really didn’t know where this club was. :( I think fallgirl i on vacation. Summer for us starts in the end of June. I hear about others celebrating it now. Jealous! I ate lunch with an author on Thursday! Yum yum! I’ll tell you all about Kylie!

    • Shadow the Hedgehog says:

      Well, I think in general Border Collies are very smart. But you are right, my family’s wiener dog (I don’t know how to spell the real word :P) terrier mix is pretty smart, even though my dad calls her a dumb dog. My fave dog is the Border Collie cuz we had one named Lucy. My webkinz Border Collie is named Loosy cuz I loved her, but not her name. :D PS, I like cuz better than because! KITTY IS BACK!!!

  5. KoolKinz says:

    Sigh. Yes it’s border collie. I hope this posts. I’m getting bored with Wkn. Anyone else? Oh, wait. No one comments in my club!

  6. Shadow the Hedgehog says:


  7. KoolKinz says:

    QUIZ: What breed of dog is the smartest?
    A: German Shepherd.
    B: Labrador
    C:Border Collie.
    I know the answer because Shadow watches a lot of dogs 101 and I can get pretty interested.

  8. KoolKinz says:

    Welcome everybody to the new Puppy Luvers club! To join, please put your fave breed of dog (you can put anything), and if you have a dog or not. Welcome!

  9. BatRulz says:

    I have this webkinz! Her name is Rouge :D

  10. starfruit says:

    Could you (Wbkinz) make some more birds? So far first comment!

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Cardinals for Christmas!

Limited supply this year

Have you seen the Lil’ Kinz Cardinal up close? This cheerful, bright bird is just right for the holiday season and the berry-decorated Cardinal’s Nest Chair is the perfect addition to any Christmas-themed room.

If you want to give the Lil’ Kinz Cardinal to someone special this Christmas, check stores now! Only a limited number are available and no more will be sold to retailers this year.

5 Responses to Cardinals for Christmas!

  1. Zike says:

    And…. going… going… IN FULL STOCK FOR 2009 AND EVER AFTER!

  2. MyWebkinzRok says:

    I have him! Love him. Pepper is one of my cutest lil’ kinz! He’s SO tiny!

  3. Rosie says:

    they are AWESOME!! i have one and it is sooooooooo pretty! i called it redwings! i luv the psi its realy kool

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