September’s Pet of the Month

310 Responses to September’s Pet of the Month

  1. Angielovesu4ever13 says:

    hey all pelican lovers!!!! first all of i want to point out that pelicans are the almost awesomest webkinz ever!!!! i got mine for my birthday in January and i have been waiting this moment!!!!!my webkinz pelcian is named waffles!!!:) i love playing all the same peps as me!?!?!?!?!!!! its crazy!!!!!
    well, g2g … GO WEBKINZ!!!!! GO WEBKINZ!!!!!WEBKINZ NOT PIE

    angie out PEACE!!!!! LOVE

  2. hannah says:

    hey love webkinz

  3. Hope says:

    Same with me i have the black cat pet of the month for october and am waiting to put it on( hehe i’m puffy4563 friendme if you have a webkinz account!!! :) )

  4. adriano says:

    when is the mohawk monkey going to be pet of the month

  5. aaron says:

    how do you get the pet of the month.

  6. webkinzlover234 says:

    Dudes i got the Pumpkin Puppy on the 20th. :D im so happy i got to other pets on the 24th to.I named the Pumpkin Puppy Spooky the to other dogs i got i named then Beethoven,and Copper. Add kbug0921 on webkinz if u want to see what the other webkinz i got are.Oh and i also got a Sea Dragon a Midnight Monster and a Harmony Puppy.Remember if u want to add me on webkinz add kbug0921.CYA PEOPLES THAT LOVE WEBKINZ O_O

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