Pretty Cinnamon Dachshund!

The Cinnamon Dachshund is so pretty – but this pup is about more than just looks. The Cinnamon Dachshund is one clever pet. With a big heart, a sweet smile, and a very quick wit, you’re going to adore this Dachshund!

69 Responses to Pretty Cinnamon Dachshund!

  1. Michael Jackson's #1 fan says:

    Hey! I have this pet! I named him Dash, from his breed name, He’s sooo cute! my mother thinks so too!

  2. cutiepie18200 says:

    i have one and i named it brownie.!

  3. Lilly says:

    MooCow619 and Wilber are right

  4. MooCow619 says:

    Wilber and Lilly are right

  5. Wilber says:

    Lilly and MooCow619 are right

  6. Lilly says:

    MooCow619 and Wilber are right

  7. MooCow619 says:

    Wilber and Lilly are right

  8. Wilber says:

    Lilly and MooCow619 are right

  9. Lilly says:

    MooCow619 and Wilber are right

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