Get Creative with Webkinz T-Shirts!

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Webkinz T-Shirts are a great way to show off your creativity! You can use the T-Shirt Designer on Ganz eStore or in Webkinz World to create something totally unique and totally you! Need inspiration? Check out this video!


43 Responses to Get Creative with Webkinz T-Shirts!

  1. gfvind says:

    WOW! that is what i just did with my cream soda pup Soda with a pink bow and a pink striped shrit with two pink flowers:). THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!! IT’S SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and HUG-A-PUG!!!! and CODA-A-SODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. gfvind says:

    wow YOUR KIDING RIGHT! I’m going to do that with Soda

  3. Emma8432 says:

    This looks so cute.

  4. Collintrex says:

    They should show another video for another pet each day. Also they should make more than one pet of the month video so you don’t bored.

  5. webkinz fan says:

    the video is awesome. i should try to make a t-shirt

  6. AWESOME GIRL says:

    I all ready got it i have ten of them there so cute! :P

  7. RedPanda says:

    Who else thinks this is totally adorable? :mrgreen:

  8. Nightflower says:

    :D Ok anyways i wish i could make a t shirt with all my 21 webkinz on it but some of them you cant put on the t shirt like my endangered clouded leopard :( I think they should put it on there. plus i think you should be able to draw something on it like a smile or a drawing of you. and they should have more clothes on there.

  9. Plungis says:

    I wish they weren’t SO expensive! They are really fun to design though just the same.

  10. Shadowwolves says:

    Cool I have a Webkinz shirt it has all 3 labs and has stars and it says “LABS” “On Broadway” “Snappy pupz!”
    It’s really cool!

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