As of May 2008, Webkinz Foundation has donated over 17,000 WebkinzTM pets and 100 laptops to children in hospitals across North America. Our target group is children who are bed-bound and cannot go to communal rooms where there might be a computer. To learn more about Webkinz Foundation, visit
guys guess what :) i am getting a mazin hamster i think ts gonna be spooky so how is everything
what!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? leia what hear about what
Did you hear about Leia?
ok thats not fair me and mckittykitty started r clubs at the same time and i only have about 100 comments and she has 473 or more that just wronge
I am BACK!!!!! I coudln’t get on here!!!! Guess WHAT!!!! My brother got a horse!!!!!!!!!! He works at a horse ranch and keeps it there for free!!!! I’m soooo glad I’m back!!!! Baxter do you mind if I do a which horse breed are you? quiz? Well, in case you didn’t know, I’M GLAD I’M BACK!!!!!!!!
WE’RE SOOOOOOOOO GLAD YOU’RE BACK BUNNYLOVER!!!!!!! That’d be great if you did a quiz, I don’t mind at all! If anyone ever has any horse jokes, riddles, quizzes, or questions, go ahead and post them! Do you get to ride your bro’s horse? He’s soooooo lucky! Hey! I’ve nominated a few people here to help pick names from the selection that I’ll be posting and I want to nominate you too! I’ll have the names posted by the end of the day hopefully. Sadly, I have a sore throat so I might not be able to get back on.
Here’s the quiz: Quarter Horse: You are really smart and enjoy a challenge. You like being outside. Thouroughbred:You are athletic and bold, and love to be the best. Arabian: You enjoy shopping and music, and like to travel. Appaloosa: You are unique and creative, and you are an optimist. I’m an Appaloosa. I rode my brother’s horse, but I couldn’t ride faster than a walk because he’s super high strung. And the nominating thing is it like the people nominated chose names?
I’m all of the above! The nominating committee is to choose a name for our club. I’ll post the list of names tomorrow and we’ll nominate the names that we like best then everybody will vote on 4 or 5 names, sound good?
i just got a cellphone woooooooohoooooo i am so happy man i already have eight friends on it woot
good morning everybody how are you
good afternoon how is everybody
good morning my friends