Chillaxin Penguin Sneak Peek

The virtual Chillaxin Penguin comes with an Arctic Airplane and a Frosty Sardine. Keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for more details on how to acquire this pet.

78 Responses to Chillaxin Penguin Sneak Peek

  1. SSmaranda says:

    If I gone one I will name it Diamond for boy , or Hermione for girl!

  2. brian says:

    i wish that i could have that pretty penguin for my sister because she wants it really bad and i think that she should be able to get it right now and to be able to have it in her webkinz acount and same with my grandma and any other webkin that they want in the whole world even if they have it out or not.

  3. Cholieabby says:

    It is so cute! I love webkinz!

  4. sherlock says:

    OMG its SO CUTE I LOVE it

  5. bkd816 says:

    If i got it i would name it Loopsie for girl and Lorenzo for boy – both english add me my webkinz username is bkd816 feel free to add

  6. girlsrule35 says:

    that looks really cool i wish i could get it to bad that it is e-store

  7. flutterby7 says:

    Retro272 Just tell your Dad that Webkinz Newz is a free site. You can get awesome free prizes from there and it doesn’t cost him or you a single penny. I don’t think any one should be stifled from having good old clean fun. Good Luck :)

  8. flutterby7 says:

    I sooooo hope this is at least an e-store pet and not one that can only be won in a competition!! I am sooooo buying it if it’s e-store.

  9. IsthataFact says:

    ARCTIC airplane? Shouldn’t that be an ANTARCTIC airplane, LOL? :-) Very cute pet, too bad we don’t do the eStore thing…

  10. StarlightMagic says:

    Such a cute penguin!!!! Too bad it’s Estore. :( I luv the symbol on its chest though!!!!


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