Cosmic Bear Sneak Peek

The virtual Cosmic Bear comes with a Levitating Loveseat and Moon Rock Candy. Keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for more details on how to acquire this pet.

121 Responses to Cosmic Bear Sneak Peek

  1. blahblah says:

    that’s pretty cool. but if it wasn’t so sparkly i would like it better

  2. gulda says:

    hmmmmmmm wat should i name this pet if i have it???? oh although i like the psi, but wat is the psf is the psi? like the moon rock candy is a lamp???? or a wand, that will be pretty!!!!

  3. ilovedora12345 says:

    I want this so much :)
    I would name it Amethyst :)

  4. Natasha says:

    That purple bear is a e-store.Can tell it is 1.

  5. gulda says:

    omg so cute!! purple is my 2nd fave color!!!!!!! is it estore????

  6. Gingerbread300 says:

    This webkinz is SOOOO cute! I would name it astroid! I NEED this pet! :D

  7. Moonstar says:

    Sounds so cool! It is eStore I guess. When will they come out with a new line of pets? You know like birthstone and zodiac. I hope it is sports. If it it, make December’s be soccer or hockey! -Moonstar◙◙◙

  8. countrygirl93 says:

    Aww, it’s so cute. Too bad it’s virtual.
    I love the PSI too.

  9. Mudstar says:

    Sweet! Although it is a LOT like the Moon Bear, just a different color…
    *Awesomeness, Epicness, Warriors*

  10. Cosmic Bear lover says:

    So cute! Is this an e-store pet? I hope it isn’t.:( I love the PSI!

    • Moonstar says:

      It is so cute! It is an eStore pet, it says Virtual at the bottom. I hope the new line of pets (you know like birthstone and candy kinz) is sports pets! If it is, I hope (really really hope!!!) that the December pet would be a Hockey Pup or a Soccer Pup. -Moonstar◙◙◙

      • Chicago Made says:

        Yeah, it’s okay, I guess.

        ~Chicago Made

        • OceanBay says:

          Oh man. I have been sooooooooo busy lately!
          Moonstar, that would be amazing! You’re filled with awesome ideas! I play Club Soccer and I ♥♥♥ to watch hockey! -OceanBay§§§
          P.S. Pretty cool pet! I would like to get it!

          • Moonstar says:

            Thanks OceanBay! Isn’t Hockey so funny to watch? Ahh. Memories. (LOL) I play Club too! I would like to get it, I might. I really hope they make Bengal Cats! I also like Abbysynians! -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • breeds says:

            Bengal cats would be great, but I’d love to see a Norwegian Forest cat webkinz. My friend used to have one named Charlotte

          • Moonstar says:

            I have 2 Bengal Cats. I like Norwegian Forest Cats too. They are pretty cute. I want Bengal Cats so much now I don’t care if they are eStore. I would rather them be Signature but. . . -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • Gringersnap says:

            I love the bear and Pet Spcific Item!! The food item is so detailed :)

          • lillyluvie says:

            ROCK CANDY! It was my friend birthday. We went to the candy store and bought rock candy. Yum! ;)

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • krystalkat says:

            I would actually love a sphinx cat. I know they’re not the prettiest to most people but I think they’re beautiful. They’re the most sweetest cats I had and know. ;)

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            Gosh, it’s so cute!!!!! I wish that I would be able to get it. Bengal Cats!!!!

          • Moonstar says:

            i dont mean to be mean, but i dont like this

          • Newstar says:

            Moonstar said she liked it at the top of the page, but now “Moonstar” doesn’t like it. Interesting. She changed her grammar and signature, too. Also interesting. -*Newstar*

          • MadiWolfClaw says:

            I want to see a Scottish Fold! Their ears are just so cute :)

          • swissi love says:

            well i really wish that they would make a greater swiss mountain dog but has my dream come true NOOOOO!!!!
            i really wish i could get that bear!!! maybe a contest will come out! -(*swissi love*) ps i changed my name too swiise love instead of lover!

          • Gerbilvision says:

            My name is Gerbilvision. I am new to WKN.
            I like this book. :)

        • Blackstorm says:

          Chicago Made, I know your at your friend’s house today. Having fun? :lol: SOAD Chick, can you add me? I think I know your username. Is your username kirbystar5? I wonder is it is. Please add me and Chicago Made (my brother)! My username is garnetgirl66. ;) ~Blackstorm♦♦♦

        • oilgal says:

          Hey ganz! Why don’t you try making more Dolphins,whales and sharks!(i love marine mammals). for dolphins try making: common,dusky,spotted,river and commerson. for whales try: humpback,sperm whale,grey,minke and bottlenosed whale. sharks: tiger,bull,hammerhead and reef sharks. maybe some porpoises.

        • Webkinz User says:

          OK ITS AWESOME!!!! sorry bout caps!! i luv it!!! its soooooooo cute!!

      • sarahandlacey says:

        Purple is my favorite color so I love this bear! I wish they would make a tortie cat! This is a type of cat! Webkinz please make a tortie cat! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

        • LemonCandy says:

          My favorite color is purple too, sarahandlacey! I think this bear is OK but it’s not the greatest, and i don’t have e store anyways. But i do love its color! i want to see GANZ make a platypus. I love platypuses!!! :mrgreen:

      • FireWolves says:

        Love the Soccer Pup idea!

        You know the pattern of a soccer ball, like black and white checkers…
        That could be what it looks like!

      • WebkinzFairy says:

        Hi, everyone! I’m new here on WKN! I’ll be posting here regularly!
        This is a cute bear…not Ganz’s best creation, but still cute.
        Wait, is it virtual? Not again! Argh! :(

        • winpanda says:

          welcome webkinz fairy

        • Moonstar says:

          Hey WebkinzFairy! I hope you like it here! You’ll notice that some people comment more than others. You’ll meet people who regularly comment (Me, OceanBay, Lillyluvie, etc.) here! Can you add me? My username is 1000Silverstar. -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • WebkinzFairy says:

            Thanks, Moonstar! I’d be happy to add you! You seem really nice, and so do the others. My username is ArtinmyHeart11, so you’ll know it’s me! Thanks again! ;)

          • Moonstar says:

            Thanks WebkinzFairy! You look really nice too, and believe me, everyone around here are really nice too.

        • LemonCandy says:

          Hi Webkinzfairy! I love your name. I totally agree with you about it being virtual, i don’t have e store and i really do like some of the pets they have. But they came out with more then nine plushies this month so we should be happy, right? If you would like to add me my username is lollys7 no caps. $LemonCandy$

      • LemonCandy says:

        I think they should make more cats like Bengal cats and…well, any other cats they haven’t made yet. Just cause they have SO many dogs(i love dogs but i also love cats) i think they should make more varieties of cats. I agree with Northwestern and Moonstar although i’ve never actually seen or heard of a Norwegian Forest cat! LOL :mrgreen: also i would love it if GANZ made a platypus! ∆§LemonCandy§∆

    • Random says:

      Dear Cosmic Bear lover,
      I think it is, because usually if it’s virtual, it’s e-store. =(
      Signing off,
      ~*****☼ RANDOM ☼*****~

      PS: I like the PSI too!

    • Liz girl says:

      I adore it!!!

    • kinzklipfan says:

      I don’t think she’s estore but if she is I’m super sad. She was in the Sugar Glider’s post a long time ago. BTW, I miss the Sugar Glider. `:: kkf~~kinzklipfan~~ :: $

    • Rhina94 says:

      so cute!!!! i wish it was mine!

    • caitlyn18 says:

      i think it is an e store :( i am sorry it is quite sad

      ~*~ caitlyn18 ~*~

    • curlieburlieTon says:

      Finally, a pet of my favorite color and species! PS I AM CRAZY FOR PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s Estore, because if it wasn’t they’d show a pic of the REAL pet. So I’m out of luck on this one. I hope they make a plush for this one just like they did for the Bubblegumasauraus!

    • Glittertail says:

      Omg! It’s so cute! I might get it! I hope there’s a Cosmic Kitty! I luv cats!

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