Discount Code Discovered!

Hey everyone! It’s Valarie VonScribe here, the official gossip and newz reporter for Webkinz, and likely one of the biggest Webkinz fans ever!

I just wanted to let you all know about something I found online on the official Webkinz Facebook page. This past weekend, I discovered a discount code for the eStore, which takes 20% off a $10 eStore point purchase!

Discount Code: FBPROMO20

(code valid from September 3rd to September 18th, 2011).

This means that by using the FBPROMO20 discount code, it costs $8.00 to get 10,000 eStore points! eStore points can be used to shop for all sorts of cool items like virtual pets, rad furniture and chic virtual fashions.

If you’d like to see my latest favorite eStore item and exclusive pet, watch the video below.

Check out the Waffle Wallaby pet here.
Check out the Apple Orchard Bed here.

89 Responses to Discount Code Discovered!

  1. sammysmile3 says:

    It’s so cute! I love when it sleeps!!

  2. abp02 says:

    i would love to have it.

  3. farypops says:

    i love i t its awsome but i have bolth of them

  4. dancedance says:

    Ill buy it!

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