Another Webkinz Newz exclusive – a high resolution sneak peek of the food and item that come with one of our upcoming pets, the Lil’ Kinz Canary! This bird will be flying into stores in early January.
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Songbird Stereo | Sunflower Seed Soup |
The Songbird Stereo is a must-have for any music aficianado and the Sunflower Seed Soup is delicious AND nutritious. This flying friend will be in stores by early January, so check out your favorite Webkinz retailer then!
I have her! I lost her tag and never adopted her on webkinz world, :( butt I still have the plush!
and what this talk about we will reside here as our camp camp
canary ———————-_–__-___—–_________dog_________cat______________
I have this canary. :D her name is Jaune :D
Greetings Pantherclan. Pantherstar do you think I could be Clan deputy? Please let me join, I’m loyal and a good warrior. I’m a She-cat with a brown pelt with a white belly, paws and muzzle. Thank-you!!
Pantherstar, I was out looking for herbs earlier today when I heard a very sad mewing sound. I followed the noise and it lead me to a bush. To my complete suprise, 2 small black kits where curled up close together. I saw some paw prints leading away form a bush but stopped following them when I picked up the sent of a badger. Heres the weird part about them, Both are are black as midnight, though one has deep green eyes thas soften you heart, the other has icy blue eyes that perice your very soul. I was wondering if I could be like a foster mother to these kits?
The kits Names are Lillykit and Icykit. Both are She-cats. Lovely ones at that! Lillykit be careful!!!!!! Icykit don’t eat that plant!!!!!
That is ok. I will let you be thier foster mother, but that might mean giving away your Medicince Cat Tittle. Med. Cats can’t have kits. I will have to appoint another cat to replace you.
Oh, Pantherstar please choose for me. It’s a very hard decision. Choose for me.
Welcome members of Pantherclan. we will now reside here as our camp.
Greetings Pantherstar. Do we need more cats? I’m sure I can help find some, that is if we need any.
Pantherstar are you ok??? We have not heard form you in a long time. Did you used to be called Pantherwisker??? Do we need a Temperary Leader?? Do you need help??? Do we need cats???