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Underwater Fireplace | Two-Prong Prawn Kabobs |
This spiky sea-dweller will surely swim its way into your heart! The Lionfish is a curious critter indeed – it loves discovering new activities all the time. So take it exploring through the depths of Webkinz World. This fun-loving fish likes to stay entertained! The Lionfish will be available this August.
Thanks. I would rather be Dewstep and be here than be Dewstar and be alone
Sniff Sniff. . . Stublestone!!!!! I have a pad in my foot! I had to go get moss and what happend? I walk right into a thorn and thicket bush! Crazy, do you have anything?
Well, I would have Brightpaw help you but I sent her to get moss and treat somet fleas and ticks. Well, here. This is a poultice made out of Holly Leaves and Maple tree Bark instead of Maple Leafs. Ok, there we go! Now, I will put a little honey on top of it and then cover that with cob webs. Don’t go on any patrols untill Sundown.
Hi do any of you know where silverstar is? Do you think silverstar will let me join your clan? BRIGHTPAW!!! I was a medicine cat myself and my oh my you are a good one!! You are lucky to have stublestone she is a kind cat!! Keep up the good work!!
Oh, thank you! I try my best and want to help my clan.
Lion Fish look a little like a Clown Fish. I really like it! My cousin has one and I love the underwateer room. I wish I cold get it but I got the Silversoft cat instead. I would’ve named it Leo or Leon. Actually Leon because I have a lion named Leo.
Hello! This is the new Medicince cat den. Stublestone, you need an apprentice. Cats come here for thier wounds. You also will share with Starclan. Stublestone, I hope you are ready as Medince cat. -Silverstar
The real leafpaw could be your apprentice he is really good with herbs if you would like him to be. Where is your den silverstar? i need to talk to you privatly
No Dewstar, I don’t want to have Leafpaw or Leaf paw. I already have Hollypaw or soon to be Hollyleaf. There is no such thing as Blazepounce. You, Dewstar, are Leaf paw. I know it.
Hi, Stublestone. Silverstar said that I could be your apprentice. May I?
My mother is Streamstone if you are wondering.
(I have golden fur and golden eyes.)
Of course you can be my apprentice! I am very close to retiring so, once I teach you everything you will be a full medicne cat and have to pick your own apprentice. Now, let me teach you the basics of this. Ok, so lets say that Silverstar has a cut pad. I would make a poultice of Holly Leaves and Maple Tree Leaves. Then if you need to treat Greencough, Catmint is the way to cure it and Catnip helps to bring the fever down. Now, Watermint is used when a cat has a belly ache. Thyme can be used for a cat in shock.
Now, a small review for the basic herbs. Ok, so I have a belly ache and I should use:
Jayrock was in cold water too long and suffered shock, I should use ———?
Blueclaw is on the verge of Greencough, I should use——–?
Ok, that covers most of the basics. Here are some more. Juniper can help sooth fevers. Yarrow is used to make cats throw up poision. Honey can sooth sore throats.
Hello again Brightpaw! I forgot to tell you where you can find these places! Well, Silverstar only told me this, but if you go to the page, Webkinz Fox and find the Webkinz Fox article, there is lots of herbs! You can find comfrey, Catmint, Watermint and other precious herbs! Now, Here are a few more things I need you to do. Ok? I want to get started right away! Ok, so I need you to get a little mouse bile and clean Silverstar’s fleas. She is being distrubed by them. Then after that, please go to the page and get lots of Watermint and lots of Juniper and Catmint.
Alright, I’ll be sure to do that; then I’ll report back.
Thank you! For the review the first one is Watermint, then Thyme, finally Catmint. I will make sure to remember these things.
Thank you very much Brightpaw! I am happy I have such an attentive apprentice. Now, I need to show you some more things in the Herb land. ( Webkinz Fox)
Alright, here is the Watermint, the Juniper and Catmint. I am going right now to treat Silverstar’s fleas.
I’m back. I took care of the fleas.