The Pucker Fish is definitely one of the smartest swimmers around! This cheerful finned friend is happiest when it’s answering questions at Quizzy’s! It’s definitely a trivia champ, so keep those questions coming! Exercising the brain can make any fish famished, so make sure you stock up on Luscious Lip Loaves! The Pucker Fish will be available this September.
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Luscious Lip Leather Sofa | Luscious Lip Loaves |
OWW! …thanks…(yawn) I am going to go lay down I think the poppy seeds are making me tired
Yes, i think I see it there, its in deep. This may sting *Pulls thorn out* Here is some poppy seed for the pain.
no I think you are right about it being a thorn. oh I guess there is a little one right there if you can see that. I should check that more carfully next time can you pull it out for me? I don’t like doing that sort of thing to my self.
P.S. thanks for your help.
Let me look at the paw then. Do you think you might have got a thorn in your pad? Let me twist it around and see if it hurts. *Twists left* *Twists right* Did that hurt? If so which one hurt most?? I can give you some poppy seed for the pain.
HI! I hear you wanted to see me? how is it going here?
Hello Icepool! Let me just give you a quick check up on some basics.
*Places paw on chest* breathe in and out for me.
have you had any of these symptoms?
1. Coughing, wheezing? If so how long?
2. Pains, aches? If so how long?
3. any trouble getting to sleep? If so how long?
no coughing or wheezing.
only in my paw do I have a verry suttle pain I might have sprained it reacently.
no trouble sleeping.
*Laughs Playfully* Moonpath you have it all wrong.
Cotton Candy Sheep Contest= DesertClan Moonpool (Only Medicine-Cat and thier Apprentice)
The Goo-Goo Berry= Medicine Cat Herb Collecting (Rich with Catnip, Yarrow, Poppy Seed, ect.)
So, how is Hollypaw doing, Moonpath? Is she fit to be Medicine-Cat Apprentice? Does she pay attention good? I really want her as your Apprentice, but if she isn’t good…..
I got a new Deputy named Icepool. Would Moonpath and Hollypaw please give her a check-up. I need to make sure she is fit to be my Deputy. I will bring her to you. Stay here please.
Fox dung! I always DO the right places, but do the WRONG names. Hollpaw is great, she has good focus, and is ready to learn. She is not good…..she is GREAT!
Ok shadowstar! I’ll give here a check-up.
I am very excited too! Herbs will be SO plentiful! I went to check up on Shadowstar to make sure he didn’t have whitecough, I think whitecough has died around our clanmates. Let me show you where some herbs grow best if you ever need them when I’m not around:
Catmint: By the stream
Yarrow: A popular hunting area, near the camp
Poppy seed: Apprentice training area
cobwebs: This is most popular in desertclan to find. They are found not far from the stream which is the most popular place
And yes, Catmint is a great treatment for Greencough!
I want you to keep your eyes open foro any whitecough, we don’t want it turning into greencough!
I’m so glad newleaf is here. more prey in the forest now! i hope some queens will have kits soon!
did you decide who you wanted to be deputy?
Lets get started! We are low on catmint, so i’ll show you were it grows best ;)
Great! We use catmint for greencough, right?
hello moonpath-
i am your apprentice. my name is hollypaw. when do we start training?