Say hello to the Love Dino!

Meet the Love Dino — cute and friendly, this adorable dino is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Watch the video below to see the Love Dino in Webkinz World, and see its gorgeous, animated Cloud Nine Window in action.

34 Responses to Say hello to the Love Dino!

  1. j.d. says:


  2. anna says:

    i love the love dino it wold be so fun to have it

  3. lilly says:

    I love the love dino :)

  4. lilly says:

    I love the ;ove dino!:)

  5. Joy says:

    The lovedino is so romantic!!!!

  6. soccerules2001 says:

    he wood fet percetrt with mi love colletion!!!!

  7. casey says:

    he is so, cute . don’t you wish you had one of them.

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